With the cooperation of SAN TSG & Paximum and Kariyer.net, the first face-to-face Bootcamp starts in Turkey!

"The first face-to-face Bootcamp in Turkey", prepared in cooperation with SAN TSG & Paximum and Kariyer.Net's technology platform Techcareer.net, has the feature of being a program that will overcome the career barriers of the candidates and highlight the candidate in the interviews. The most important difference of the program, which is the first face-to-face Bootcamp in Turkey with a training duration of 60 hours, will be that the candidate has taken a first place with this program and will make a difference in his CV with this training in the field of technology.

The aim of the program is to equip the participants in the learning marathon organized in the field of informatics and to code the future of the companies.

We will soon start receiving applications for the free ".Net Core Developer BootCamp", which will be held for the first time in Antalya with the cooperation of SAN TSG & Paximum and Kariyer.Net. More detailed information about the program will be announced in detail.

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